Saturday, January 14, 2006

my life story (sad story)

I am sheilded by my wall
No one, no words, no force
can break through
I built it to protect me from you... ...from me
It moves where i move
Store, bed, practice
Some days it breaks down
others it stands tall
the wall is both my friend and foe
helping me pass the days
But constricting me to myself
i scratch each day into the wall
counting until the day it falls down
then the
words, people, force, you, can touch me
But i wll face them with my face, no wall, no sheild
The scars will bear my trails and triumphs
together with the help of the man in the clouds
my trials are but a brittle leaf to be
squished under my foot

~Crouching tiger hidden dragon~


Blogger Share said...

you dont have a title! you have to have a title!!! it makes the whole poem.

6:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your poetry is so great!!! Something about it is awesome!Keep writing!!

7:14 PM  

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