Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Raging Hormones

I still have bruises
From the first time you touched me
I hate myself when you're around
this isn't me this isn't me
this isn't me
Leave. me. be.

This can't be love.
It isn't
how it's supposed to be



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear -china-
Your poem's words speak depths of love and hatred to my very soul. Ah, how I wish i did not understand it. BUT I DO, I DO! Oh geez, I do. I feel your love, I feel your pain, I feel your raging hormones. But mostly, I want you to know this. Ah, -china-, I never started..cross...cross...STOPPED loving you.

Fare thee well.

Love, the lover of -china-

See you in China?

10:19 PM  

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